this paper suggests that l = l'

given this example by current Physics...

My suggested example...

Guaranteed, you can not move to the right, parallel to the mirror, ANY distance from O and be able to detect the return of the light pulse (b) at 8 seconds. (and still also not be point at O.)
When the light pulse does return to the parallel of the mirror, the Delta t for pulse(a) MUST ALWAYS be less than Delta t for pulse (b). Since light speed is constant, this initial diagram given by the Lorentz Transformation equation could not actually exist in reality!

The Lorentz Transformation substitutes this now unacceptable, velocity factor, and lets the velocity equal to the speed of light c. This transformation has nothing to do with the speed of light.

The idea that time or light is in any way is involved, when relating two fixed-point locations to one another, is invalid. No motion is required in this transformation. The fixed-point locations differ only in their coordinate value.

Light has no inherent impact upon the transformation of fixed-point locations.

The velocity of light, c has no inherent impact upon the transformation of fixed-point locations.