When the mass ratios of two clusters are within certain parameters, and proximity permits, the attraction of cluster to cluster can be effected and instead of attracting, a repelling can occur. Should one spin axis be related to the 6 vectors, and the other spin axis related to the 8 vectors, then a repelling force would stop these two different field types from trying to can't put a triangular peg in a square hole, likewise, you can't put a hexagon in a octagon hole. Since their exists a related cluster from virtually all N, the preferred axis of spin must alternate between the two different vector regions, the 6 and 8. This gives rise two a duality of conditions. In my view, like fields (6/6 8/8) attract and opposite fields (6/8) repel.

This only occurs when proximity permits and the relative mass ratios are appropriate. Should the mass ratio approach 1:1, then the repelling ability will be overwhelmed and only the attraction will be apparent. Should the mass ratio be something like 1:1,000,000 then again the repelling would not be apparent and observation would reflect only the attraction. Somewhere in between these two parameters, are mass ratios values that would allow for, not only for the concepts of attract and repel, but provide the mechanics for the concept of a smaller orbiting cluster(s) around a larger "nuclear" cluster.

A true sphere, can only do what a true sphere can do. It is ALWAYS attracted by other masses; either unitary spheres like themselves, or groupings of these unitary spheres. It is only when the relative proximity of groupings occurs, that any kind of repelling force can additionally occur and dominate the attraction. This is due to actualities of various factors including; relative mass ratios, momentum, vector angularity, and external formats of these groupings, among other lesser influences.